14550 Lee Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151




Post navigation Share Tweet Print Email by Peyton Jones: When I’m coaching church planters, I like them to write the mission statement down on paper when they’re all hot and bothered about the condition of the church, the perishing of the lost, or their personal frustrations in leadership. Best to […]


Disciple-Making Tools

Intentional Discipleship by Tom Planck: It might be the pond I am swimming these days, but I cannot remember a time when I have heard more pastors and leaders talking about intentional disciple-making. It is so encouraging to hear church leaders digging in to redefine what a disciple of Jesus […]


5 Things You Should Never Say During Announcements at Your Church

Announcements at your church don’t have to stink. This time in your service doesn’t need to feel like a miscellaneous catch-all for things that don’t fit elsewhere in the service flow! When done well, announcements can be the part of the service that moves people to action. Every weekend you […]


Vlog: 6 Effective Principles of Portability

.et_post_meta_wrapper Principles of Portability There are hundreds of principles required to being a portable church and doing it well. In this Vlog episode we want to discuss 6 of the most important principles of portability. The first one is to consider the weight. Equipment choice is such a crucial piece […]


Blogging for the Leadership Influence Of It

Blogging for the Leadership Influence Of It .et_post_meta_wrapper by Brandon Cox: Starting a blog could possibly make you famous. Or it might not. It doesn’t really matter. Fame isn’t the point. And, after all, how many people to you know who are famous simply because they started blogging? Okay, there are […]


5 Things About Leadership My 25-Year-Old Self Never Would Have Believed

by Carey Nieuwhof: Oh to know then what you know now. It never works that way, though, does it? This past weekend, I celebrated a birthday. It was a good one. I spent much of the day being grateful, but it also made me realize how much I’ve learned over […]


Prepare for Easter: Onramps

This Article is from Replicate’s Prepare for Easter Series by Chris Swain: In the early ’00s, as cell phones were becoming commonplace, I switched from printing off directions for long road trips to calling my wife on my mobile. She loved this process as you could imagine (please read that […]



Post navigation Share Tweet Print Email by Peyton Jones: Launching with the right focus is essential if your plant is going to avoid defaulting into just another big church after you’ve grown. If you’re using the New Testament apostolic model, then the solution is hard-wired into your church already. You’re […]


Has Your Leadership Peaked? Leadership And The Theory of the Ten Year Run.

by Cary Nieuwhof: The last thing you want as a leader is to have your best days behind you. But it happens all the time, long before a leader steps out of leadership. The questions are how does it happen…and, more importantly, what can you do about it? Sadly, you […]


8 Alternatives to Calling Another Team Meeting at Your Church

by unSeminary: You’ve been there, in that never-ending meeting where all you can think about is the fact that the next thing on your to-do list is yet another meeting! You’ve thought it before, “There has got to be a better way of doing meetings at the church.” A few […]