14550 Lee Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151

Category: Assimilation


Three Ways to Assimilate Guests at Your Church

By New Churches Team: Every church needs an effective way to assimilate guests into the church and get them plugged into ministries and groups within the church. Here are three practical tips to do so. 1.Map It Out: A healthy way to do that is to map out where you want […]


5 Emotions First-time Guests Feel When They Arrive at Your Church

by Rich Birch: Have you ever watched people arrive on Sunday morning at your church and wondered what they’re feeling in that moment? We know that feelings and emotions are incredibly powerful motivators and memory-makers. In fact, studies have proven that we make more decisions based on emotion rather than […]


5 Reasons Charismatic Churches Are Growing (And Attractional Churches Are Past Peak)

by Carey Nieuwhof: Notice this lately? If you look at almost any growing church led by younger leaders, it definitely tends toward the charismatic—expressive worship, more emotional delivery in preaching, an openness to the work and activity of the Holy Spirit, and generally a warmer, more enthusiastic and expressive gathering. And…a […]


7 Best Practices of First-time Guest Gifts at Your Church – unSeminary

by Rich Birch: Are you leveraging your first-time guest gifts effectively enough to move people from being guests to fully connected members of your church? I hope so, because this is an important piece of the connection timeframe; in fact, it’s a critical point in the eight phases of moving […]


6 Systems Every Executive Pastor Needs to Evaluate This Year – unSeminary

by Rich Birch: Are you an executive pastor wondering where you should focus your time and energy? Are you wondering exactly how things are really going at your church? Are you a bit mystified about how to evaluate what’s really happening under the hood of your church? Executive pastors are […]


7 Other Weekend Metrics Church Leaders Should Study Regularly

by Rich Birch: Too often, church leaders only pay attention to weekend attendance and revenue patterns at their churches. Sometimes these numbers are referred to as “nickels and noses” or maybe the slightly more vulgar “butts and bucks.” However, there are many other factors to consider if we’re trying to […]


7 Early Warning Signs That Your Church Has A “Front Door” Problem

by Rich Birch: How do you know if you aren’t attracting enough people to your church? If your church has plateaued or is in decline, is the problem that you’re not attracting enough visitors or that you aren’t keeping those who are already attending? What signs will lead you to […]


6 Ways to Increase Engagement in Your Church’s Weekend Services

by Rich Birch: How do you know that a church service is “successful”? What are the elements that tell you when things are working or not? It’s important that your team shares a clear understanding of what success looks like when it comes to designing weekend services. While there are […]


8 Phases of Moving Guests from Anonymity to Community at Your Church

by Rich Birch: What is the process by which guests transition from unfamiliarity with your church to becoming raving fans? How do they move through those phases, and how are we helping them at every step along the way? Understanding how guests transition along the spectrum from stranger to advocate […]

tyler smith text in church

5 Follow-Ups for First Time Guests

by Tyler Smith: Creating an inviting and warm experience for first-time guests before, during, and after worship services and events is important. A primary goal for church staff and volunteers should be to help guests feel loved and welcomed throughout the week as well. So how does your church make certain […]