14550 Lee Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151

Category: Planter Health


3 Simple Habits That Keep A Discussion From Becoming A Debate

by Jim Putman: I have a core belief that I think God calls all his followers to hold and that is Christ Centered Relationships. I believe that all my relationships need to be grounded in and centered on Christ and that I should be living out the fruit of the Spirit within them. This […]


Overcoming The New Leadership Epidemic — Isolation and Loneliness

by Carey Nieuwhof: I talk to a growing number of leaders who ask for advice—very personal advice. They ask me questions like Should I stay in this church or move on? or I’m struggling with my elder board, is it time for me to leave? These are really big questions, and they’re situation-specific. As […]


The Most Important Hat a Church Planter Wears

By Phil Metzger: Church planters wear a lot of hats, by necessity. Pastor, Bible teacher, counselor, worship leader (regardless of skill), church set up and tear down coordinator, janitor. The list goes on. But in all my years of church planting it is my firm conclusion that the most important hat […]


Leaving a Legacy of Level 5 Leadership: Introduction

by Todd Wilson: Pause for a minute and think about the specific ways you personally get to know Jesus. I don’t just mean knowing more about Him. I’m talking about really, intimately knowing the person of Jesus Christ! Not the teacher and wise man Jesus, but the Savior and Lord you […]


If You’re Ready to Give Up On Yourself As A Leader, Some Hope

by Carey Nieuwhof: When you start out in leadership, it’s easy to think that everything will be up and to the right. I mean that’s how we plan it out in our heads, isn’t it? And yet every leader I know faces a season or two that threatens to take them […]


Discipling in Times of Weakness

by Ali Zimmerman: Since fourteen, I have struggled with a long list of health problems. While many doctors have helped me manage my symptoms, no one has been able to attribute my condition to any specific cause. My symptoms have varied.  The severity of each symptom has varied. But I have […]


3 Secrets to Crushing Your Goals AND Loving Your Family

by Carey Nieuwhof: Most people think that if you win at work, you need to lose at home. The demands of leadership are so tough that it’s almost impossible to win on both fronts. And—honestly—sometimes we lie to ourselves as leaders. We pretend it’s going great at home when we know […]


Lies Pastors Believe

By Daniel Im: I know it’s hard to believe, but pastors are human too. Like the rest of us, pastors are susceptible to believing lies. Lying is the native language of our heart, which started back in the Garden of Eden. Although pastors constantly teach about truth and love, they also […]


Three Differences Between a Campus Pastor and an Associate Pastor

By Sam Yoon: One of the most common questions I am asked as a campus pastor is, “What’s the difference between the role of the campus pastor and the associate pastor?” That’s definitely a question I asked and wondered when I served as an associate pastor. And now having been on […]


The Spiritual Practice of Silence

by Brandon Cook: Think of your brain as a series of roads that you travel every day. This is actually what your brain is like on a physical level: a series of ruts—like paths or highways—that your thoughts travel over and over again. Have you ever noticed how you often have […]