This week Peyton Jones and Pete Mitchell sit down to talk about Church Planting With No Worship Leader. To get straight to listening click here and to download in iTunes click here.

A lot of us have a preconceived notion in our mind of how our worship time should be set up. For many of us, services are started with 20-30 minutes of singing. Whether it’s a choir, the congregation, a soloist or a mixture of those. But what happens when you are planning your plant and you don’t have anyone that can do those things?  You might be wondering how to fill that sizable time slot. Not to fear, we go in depth on some ways to mix things up to make sure your service still flows smoothly.

Go ahead and click here to listen to this podcast or click here to head on over to the apple store to listen and download this and previous episodes in the Church Planter Podcast series!

Buy Peyton’s newest book “Reaching The Unreached: Becoming Raiders of the Lost Art” over on You can also download a free chapter and watch a cool trailer for the book HERE or click the image below.
