By Carey Nieuwhof: Simon Sinek unpacks his back story, including how his grandfather shaped him, how ADHD impacted his leadership and how a deep, personal crisis led to him developing the ideas behind Start With Why.
Simon also talks about how existential flex is so important in a post-pandemic world, and why the church keeps losing ground.
Welcome to Episode 417 of the podcast. Listen and access the show notes below or search for the Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts and listen for free.
Plus, in this episode’s What I’m Thinking About segment, Carey talks about what the Church needs to do to stay relevant.
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World Vision
This has been an incredibly difficult season for those pastoring church congregations. Many of you—church leaders—are caring for the souls of struggling congregants only to find yourselves burnt out and in need of your own soul care.
Our partner, World Vision, is called to serve the most vulnerable around the world, but also feels called to serve the Bride of Christ. And that includes caring for YOU—shepherds of the flock.
In this FREE web series, Danielle will share rhythms and practices to help create space for God to tend to YOUR soul, and get tools you can use as you lead others.
The Church is a force for good in the world, and World Vision’s heart is for the Bride of Christ to be healthy and mobilized to be the church outside the four walls!
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Conversation Links
Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek
Together is Better by Simon Sinek
The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek
Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe – TED Talk by Simon Sinek
How to Discover Your “Why” in Difficult Times – TED Talk by Simon Sinek
How Great Leaders Inspire Action – TED Talk by Simon Sinek
Church Attendance is Dying. Here’s What’s Next by Carey Nieuwhof
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Insights From Simon
1. True success comes from the combination of 3 things:
When asked what led to his success, Simon outlined an interesting framework about what causes true, repeatable success. He’s found that it’s a combination of 3 things: Talent, Hard Work, and Luck. When those 3 things meet, you’re setting yourself up for repeatable success throughout your life.
2. When approaching your work, start with your why.
So many businesses and organizations focus on what they’re doing, and how they’re doing it, but they don’t focus on “why” enough. In his book, Start With Why Simon takes a deep dive into why your “why” is so important, and how to find what you or your business’ “why” is.
3. The Church’s inability to change is causing its own irrelevance.
Simon points out that a large portion of the church is behaving similar to how the music industry behaved as iTunes disrupted them. People didn’t stop listening to music, they just changed how they listened. Similarly, It’s not that people are losing their spirituality, it’s that they just aren’t turning to the Church for answers.
Quotes from Episode 417
It’s not that people are losing their spirituality, it’s that the church is losing its relevance. @simonsinekClick To Tweet
The responsibility of a church is not to get people in the pews. The responsibility of the church is to spread the gospel. @simonsinekClick To Tweet
People are spiritual and in search of community, in search of belief, in search of belonging, in search of hope, and in search of vision. They’re not getting it, and so they’re looking for it in other places. @simonsinekClick To Tweet
The church, as an industry, unfortunately looks a lot like a lot of other old-fashioned industries which is, ‘This is the way we’ve always done it.’ @simonsinekClick To Tweet
The solutions we find to the challenges we have when we’re children become our strengths as adults. @simonsinekClick To Tweet
There’s a formula for success, this zero-sum formula, which is talent, something innate, hard work, and then luck. @simonsinekClick To Tweet
We all have innate things in us, like the strengths we build when we’re kids, and if we invest in building on those talents, they become even stronger. @simonsinekClick To Tweet
We see the world through different lenses because of our childhoods and our upbringings. @simonsinekClick To Tweet
I am living proof that in adversity comes opportunity, and in hardship comes renewal and rebirth. @simonsinekClick To Tweet
I didn’t set out to tell anybody anything. I set out to share something that had profoundly changed my life and my view of the world. @simonsinekClick To Tweet
As a species, we are constantly searching for explanation. The most confounding things are things that seem to lack explanation. @simonsinekClick To Tweet
A why comes from the past. It’s where we come from, it is objective, and it never changes your whole life. @simonsinekClick To Tweet
I imagine a world in which the vast majority of people wake up every single morning inspired, feel safe wherever they are and end the day fulfilled by the work that they do. @simonsinekClick To Tweet
The obsession with the finite game means we see more and are more short term-ism. @simonsinekClick To Tweet
Finite-mindedness dominates business theory and political theory of the day. @simonsinekClick To Tweet
Wall Street breaks economies because they are making decisions for the good of themselves in a finite manner, rather than allowing companies and allowing executives to make decisions that are for the good of the whole. @simonsinekClick To Tweet
Existential flexibility is the capacity to make a 180 degree strategic shift in order to better advance your cause. @simonsinekClick To Tweet
If you don’t have the just cause and you don’t have the trusting teams, that existential flex will probably fail. @simonsinekClick To Tweet
In the future church, the church is going to meet anytime, anywhere, sometimes.Click To Tweet
Consumer Christianity isn’t about what you bring to the mission, it’s about what you squeeze out of it.Click To Tweet
Read or Download the Transcript for Episode 417
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Is Your Church Ready For Future Evangelism? Take The Free Church Outreach Assessment To Find Out.
Almost every church leader wants to grow their church by reaching more people.
As culture continues to change rapidly into a post-Christian era, though, itu2019s left many leaders feeling like theyu2019re not accomplishing their mission. For too many churches, things arenu2019t going as hoped.
After you complete the assessment, youu2019ll receive a detailed breakdown of your results and get access to a free teaching series that will help you take practical steps forward in each of the five areas.
When youu2019re done, youu2019ll be far more equipped to accomplish your mission.
Donu2019t be discouraged. You can still reach people.
Is Your Church Ready For Future Evangelism? Take The Free Church Outreach Assessment To Find Out.
Almost every church leader wants to grow their church by reaching more people.
As culture continues to change rapidly into a post-Christian era, though, itu2019s left many leaders feeling like theyu2019re not accomplishing their mission. For too many churches, things arenu2019t going as hoped.
After you complete the assessment, youu2019ll receive a detailed breakdown of your results and get access to a free teaching series that will help you take practical steps forward in each of the five areas.
When youu2019re done, youu2019ll be far more equipped to accomplish your mission.
Donu2019t be discouraged. You can still reach people.
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Next Episode: Tony Morgan
Tony Morgan returns to the podcast to share the latest data on church attendance trends, best and worst practices for creating a digital strategy, and how to track online metrics that actually matter so you can connect with people who find you online.
Subscribe for free now so you won’t miss Episode 418.
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