by In Episode 426 of the NewChurches Q&A Podcast, Daniel and Ed, along with Neil Power and John James, discuss collaborative church planting and reaching your city.
In This Episode, You’ll Discover:
How a generosity of Spirit helps you overcome tribal boundaries
Why there is a great need for partnership
Shareable Quotes (#NewChurches):
“That kind of generosity of spirit really does flow out of a greater and deeper grasp of the gospel itself.”
“It is as we place our faith in Him that we will see the desperate need, the urgency of the task we have.”
“We should have a generosity of spirit toward others who are outside our traditional tribal boundaries and yet are doing great gospel work down the road.”
“Be thankful for and celebrate what God is doing elsewhere. We are co-laborers in God’s field.”
“Churches are being planted to move Christians around.”
“If someone is willing to move to our city and plant a church we see that as a blessing.”
“Post-Christendom has brought about a sense of a greater need for partnership and collaboration than we’ve needed historically.”
Additional Resources:
Watch the Q&A Webinar on Collaborative Church Planting and Citywide Movements
Read Together For the City by Neil Powell and John James
Watch Collaboration and the Surge Network [Behind-the-Scenes]
Listen to the Ask Me Anything podcast
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This Episode’s Sponsor: You’ve probably heard about the movie OVERCOMER. But you may not know there are a few books and Bible studies inspired by the film. One is called Defined by Alex Kendrick and Stephen Kendrick, which is a book and Bible study based on insights from the Book of Ephesians. You can find these books and Bible studies at
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