by In Episode 438 of the NewChurches Q&A Podcast, Daniel and Todd discuss if it is possible to move from two services to one and not lose momentum.
“Our oldest and flagship campus – currently we have five campuses at various stages of growth – is considering moving from two services to a service on Sunday. This campus has been in decline for a number of years. It has stabilized under our new leadership and we’ve undertaken a campus planting strategy to plant ten campuses in ten years in the grater Akron, Ohio area. We are experiencing signs of new life, however we are kicking around the idea of taking our flagship campus from two services to one so that when we get to worship center capacity we plant and continue that cycle. Are there any churches you know of who have moved to a philosophy like this? Was it successful? How do you do this in such a way that it doesn’t have the appearance to be a response of a fifteen year decline rather than an intentional campus planting strategy?”
In This Episode, You’ll Discover:
Why it may be difficult to kill a service
Ways to approach filling the service instead
Shareable Quotes (#NewChurches):
“You get a larger pool of volunteers for your leadership pipeline if you have two services.” – @toddadkins
“If the numbers work, the best strategy would be to make the move back to one service in conjunction with launching the new plant.” – @toddadkins
“The biggest question is: do you have a big enough leadership pipeline to pull this off?” – @toddadkins
“You have to have clearly communicated that this is not about a response to decline, it is advancing toward mission and vision.” – @toddadkins
“Gather around individuals on your staff and in your church who are momentum building, creative individuals who can help you fill up both services.” – @danielsangi
“Instead of going from two to one, bring together these creative individuals and brainstorm what are big things you can do to gain momentum and fill those seats.” – @danielsangi
“It’s easier to kill a new campus than it is a second service, because it will cost you way more than you think it does to kill that service.” – @toddadkins
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Source: Episode 438: How Do We Go From Two Services to One and Keep Momentum?