by In Episode 531 of the NewChurches Q&A Podcast, Daniel and Todd discuss staffing a new church plant or a new church campus during COVID.
“When you think about a campus launch, and you want to launch during COVID, what does a staffing configuration look like? How much of it should be bivocational/covocational in light of the meeting restrictions or do you launch in the same way you might have pre-COVID?
In This Episode, You’ll Discover:
Why it is important to staff for competencies
Different considerations for a planned church plant
Shareable Quotes (#NewChurches):
“One of the things COVID reveals is the weight of the work of ministry and what is being done by whom, where, when, why.” – @toddadkins
“As a church plant, you can focus only on what is essential and you don’t have that burden of the large launch strategy that is pervasive right now in the church planting space. You get to rewrite the book.” – @toddadkins
“This is why staffing for competencies rather than felt needs is so important.” – @danielsangi
“The competency and the profile of who you would want as a campus pastor is the same COVID or no COVID, if you are staffing for competency.” – @danielsangi
“The thing that changes is the amount of time you might hire them for and the amount of hours that you are going to put into a new campus.” – @danielsangi
“I would still say if you have the systems and you have the person, then launch campuses during COVID, but don’t put the same amount of staffing hours into it. Instead consider that person more as a community or neighborhood pastor.” – @danielsangi
“It’s all about having a committed, competent core, and you can get that during this time.” – @toddadkins
Recommended Resources:
Listen to NewChurches Q&A Episode 530: Should I Launch Fully Online?
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Source: Episode 532: Staffing for Planting a Church or Campus During COVID-19