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How To Prepare For Momentum


By Shawn Lovejoy:


Every leader, team and organization wants it.

Yet, as much as it is sought after and worked for, Momentum often remains elusive.

The truth is…

Momentum does not come easily.

Momentum is not automatic.

Momentum is fragile.

Momentum is often a mystery.

While we can’t presume on momentum, we can be prepared for momentum.

Let’s talk about how?

Here are 3 ways leaders get prepared to experience momentum.  

#1 – Alignment

A staff only becomes a team when it becomes 100% aligned around the Vision & Values of the ministry or organization. 

Here’s our first challenge: Usually, there are one or two members on the team who tend to pull in their own direction. There are usually one or two team members who can’t keep up with the rest of the team.

Alignment requires courageous conversations and courageous decisions in these moments. It requires courage to lead.

#2 – Consistency

Great leaders and organizations practice what they preach.

Our key role is to be the culture we want to build.

In addition, we must also live the vision out consistently. Our lives, in addition to our voices, should clearly and consistently communicate the vision. 

We must also be committed to the blocking and tackling of leadership, remaining focused on the basics. Commit to do the little things well. If we can’t manage what we’ve got, why would God entrust us with more?

#3 – Urgency

Complacency is the # 1 gravitational force working against successful organizations.

The greatest threat to future success is current success. 

Every day we have to declare war on complacency and mediocrity and embrace urgency, because we cannot change what we’re willing to tolerate.

Are you searching for momentum? Do you currently have momentum and want to protect and keep it?

I understand that leading your team, organization or ministry to a place of momentum requires an unrelenting courage.

Join us on  March 18th and March 25th for a first of it’s kind live online event, CourageToLead LIVE.

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Unlike your typical pre-recorded, virtual conference; at CourageToLead LIVE you will join online with a live studio audience and 14 world-class, faith-based leaders from both the marketplace and ministry to be inspired, empowered and have your questions answered in live-time.

These two days of practical, faith-based insight from top-tier speakers will strengthen your commitment to leadership growth and organizational health.

Each one-day leadership experience is tailor-made for marketplace and ministry leadership teams like yours, and your entire team can join for FREE!

Reserve your seat today for the live online leadership experience for faith-based leaders at CourageToLead LIVE.

reserve your spot at couragetolead live

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Source: How To Prepare For Momentum