by Dave Travis: Pastoral training models are constantly evolving. In our continuing series (link to the previous here, here, and here) of nuggets discovered in our soon-to-be released report from Leadership Network/Portable Church Industries, we found that multisite congregations are 2.5 times more likely to have trained either a new campus pastor or new church planter than a single site church.
Why is this?
Our hunches:
Multisite churches need lots of leaders. This is especially true for those with more than two sites and for those over extended geographies. As the church and number of sites grow, there is a need for more leaders to staff the church across locations.
With this need has come the adoption and deployment of more robust leadership development systems to get leaders at all levels including campus pastors and church planters.
In these processes, some emerging leaders are recognized more as church planters and sent out to plant new congregations independently. Additionally, as more leaders are trained, multisite churches feel more confident in launching new sites.
Perhaps a small group of single-site leaders are fearful of raising up new leaders as they may challenge existing leader structures and systems. In other words, they could have a bias against leader development or development at the congregational leadership level.
While there are many connectional denomination churches that are deploying multisite and church-planting models, the predominance of those streams of churches tend to depend on the denominational system and their educational systems to provide pastors and do church planting. Their systems are getting the results of that design with churches not responding to do it on their own.
This is not to say that some single-site churches do not train, equip and deploy church planters. Some leaders with theological and pragmatic biases against multisite models DO invest heavily in church-planting residencies to send out leaders.
But our latest research shows multisite churches are much more likely to do so.
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Source: Multisite Churches Are Training the Next Generation of Pastors