By: The Church.Digital
Thanks to COVID, lots of churches are operating digitally. They’re broadcasting their services online. Trying to start up Online Small Groups. As a general rule, they’re moving their physical ministry digital, or even learning how to do ministry phygitally (combining physical + digital).
I’m suggesting there’s a whole other category… digital-only churches. What would it be like to do church, to be the church, in a digital community? Something like Facebook, Virtual Reality? The idea is not copying the physical model of church and doing it digitally. The idea is to be the church digitally, in environments where people are, and relationally connect with people for the cause of Christ.
Fun stuff, especially considering some of these digital-only expressions of church already exist. And for this podcast we’re putting together a panel of people who are involved in digital-only churches. Planters and volunteers who buy into the vision of creating a church in digital community for people in those digital communities.
So, come hear the stories… the ministry… the vision behind these digital-only expression of church.
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Source: PODCAST 087: Stories & Strategy of a Digital-Only Expression of Church