By TheChurch.Digital: I love conversations with DJ Soto. DJ challenges me, regularly, and this conversation once again pushes the limits. As Lead Pastor of VR Church, DJ is stretching the boundaries of Avatar Church. Yes, Avatar Church. Here at The Church Digital Podcast, we talk Physical/Phygital church all the time. We talk Digital-Only Churches like Jate Earhart’s Love Clan… now we really do a deep dive here talking about putting a church in the Virtual Reality world. Actually, VR Church is different than Digital-Only Churches as it deserves the separate category of Avatar Churches.
Here on the Podcast with DJ, we’re talking Avatar Church, VR Church’s Christmas Services, and a bleeding edge church concept involving MMO video games like “Final Fantasy XIV”. Crazy, radical stuff. And. It. Just. Might. Work.
Jump on the podcast here and be challenged in your concept of what church is, and how we can be the church digitally. It’s not time to recreate the church. It’s time to reimagine the church.
By the way, Stadia Church Planting is looking for Church Planters who are interested in planting digital only churches and avatar churches. Is this you? Check out
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Source: PODCAST 108: DJ Soto – Virtual Reality, Final Fantasy XIV, and the Church