If you have a desire to share God’s love and truth with your neighbors this summer, your priority should be to pray for them. As it’s been said, “You can do more than pray once you have prayed, but you can’t do more than pray until you have prayed.” When was the last time you prayed for your neighbors whether in private or in their presence?

If you want to see the gospel spread throughout your neighborhood, start by saturating it with prayer. Pray for the neighbors you already know, but also pray for ones you don’t know yet. Prayer walk your neighborhood. Pray for God to open doors for people to come to faith. Ask him to move in the hearts of people you see in the streets and driving in their cars. Then begin looking for opportunities to serve neighbors in need (help carrying groceries, mowing an overgrown lawn, etc.). Lend a helping hand and share your faith story with those you serve as God leads.
For a pray walk guide to follow, check out 30 Days of Praying Through Your Neighborhood by the Navigators. To help you keep track of neighbors you’re praying for, considering using the neighborhood map dashboard developed by Bless Every Home. And for a little inspiration to fuel your prayer walks, read the blog post The Most Dangerous Prayer: Asking God To Help You Meet Your Neighbors and see the difference praying for your neighbors can make.