14550 Lee Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151

Tag: attendance


In-Person Attendance v. Online Attendance and The Emerging Trap Of Doing Nothing Well

By: Carey Nieuwhof As you know, these are some of the most complex times in church leadership in decades. As churches reopen their in-person gatherings, there’s one particular trap to watch out for. The early indications are that in-person church attendance is lower than anyone expected. Most leaders I connect […]


5 Reasons Why Engagement is the New Church Attendance

by Carey Nieuwhof: If you track attendance at your church (and who doesn’t), the vast majority of church leaders are tracking numbers that probably bother them. That can lead into a death spiral of trying to drive greater attendance, only to discover more disappointment down the road. The mission of the […]


5 Ways Tracking Church Attendance Messes With Your Soul

by Carey Nieuwhof: If you’ve spent more than 10 minutes in church leadership, you’re aware of the tension that tracking church attendance creates inside you and around you. Sure, for starters, the way other leaders talk about numbers is an easy gateway for criticism (He’s totally obsessed with numbers). But […]


Why Attending Church No Longer Makes Sense

by Carey Nieuwhof: The trend is practically universal: fewer people are attending church every year. You might have even asked the question yourself. Why bother? There are many reasons why that’s happening (I outline 10 here), but I think it’s increasingly evident that it no longer makes sense to attend […]