14550 Lee Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151

Tag: disciple


Jesus Is Inviting You

By Craig Etheredge: Are you a disciple? Are you making disciples in the world around you? A disciple is a person who is devoted to Jesus. Disciples are consistently developing in the character and competencies of Jesus. They are continually being changed both inside and out. This disciple is also […]


Success Is a Weekly Agenda

By Ken Adams: My ministry friend, Brian Dodd, says that, “Success is a daily agenda.” I agree with Brian, but I’ve found that my life revolves around a weekly agenda more than a daily agenda. Granted, days make weeks and weeks make months and years, so ultimately the idea is […]


Discipleship vs. Disciple Making

by Bobby Harrington: Discipleship-first friends, One of the things we champion at Discipleship.org is an emphasis on disciple making. We value the use of the expression “discipleship”—enough to name our whole ministry after it!—but we also appreciate the clarity that comes from a focus on disciple-making. With permission, I am republishing a […]


Do you want to learn about the seven essential marks of a disciple?

by Bobby Harrington: In this series introducing our disciple-making partners, we want to help you find your best guides so that you can connect with them and they can help you become a more effective disciple maker. Meet Ken Adams, founder and director of Impact Discipleship Ministries. Impact Discipleship Ministries […]


Disciple-Making Tools

Intentional Discipleship by Tom Planck: It might be the pond I am swimming these days, but I cannot remember a time when I have heard more pastors and leaders talking about intentional disciple-making. It is so encouraging to hear church leaders digging in to redefine what a disciple of Jesus […]