Tag: future church

The NEW Characteristics of Churches That Will Be In Decline Five Years From Now
By: Carey Nieuwhof As a leader, you’ve likely looked back at a decision another church or organization made and thought to yourself, “how could they not have seen how bad that decision was…I mean, didn’t anybody realize where that would take them?” And of course, the answer is no…they didn’t […]

PODCAST 084: Christopher Benek, Virtual Reality, & Beyond Church Buildings
By: The Church.Digital What does the future hold for Virtual Reality?… for Artificial Intelligence? Talk to the business world and they’re chomping at the bit to take advantage of disruptions like these. But what of the church world? As a general rule, we’re more skeptical of these innovations. Is the […]

8 Easy Ways to Blow It In This Next Season of Ministry
By: Carey Nieuwhof The good news is it feels like we’re entering a new season of leadership and ministry. Although the coronavirus is still with us, churches and businesses are reopening and things that weren’t possible a month or two ago are now possible again. That’s the good news. The […]

In-Person Attendance v. Online Attendance and The Emerging Trap Of Doing Nothing Well
By: Carey Nieuwhof As you know, these are some of the most complex times in church leadership in decades. As churches reopen their in-person gatherings, there’s one particular trap to watch out for. The early indications are that in-person church attendance is lower than anyone expected. Most leaders I connect […]

Why Cool Church Doesn’t Work Anymore (More on the Future Church)
by Carey Nieuwhof: Everything has its season. And the season of the cool church is, in many ways, coming to an end. Recently, I wrote a post that generated a lot of discussion online and offline about why charismatic churches are growing and attractional churches are past peak. You can read that […]