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PODCAST 084: Christopher Benek, Virtual Reality, & Beyond Church Buildings

By: The Church.Digital

PODCAST 084: Christopher Benek, Virtual Reality, & Beyond Church Buildings


What does the future hold for Virtual Reality?… for Artificial Intelligence? Talk to the business world and they’re chomping at the bit to take advantage of disruptions like these. But what of the church world? As a general rule, we’re more skeptical of these innovations.

Is the skepticism warranted? Or are we missing an opportunity? This is where Christopher Benek comes in. As Lead Pastor at First Presbyterian Miami, he understands the value of our buildings. A Historical Landmark in the heart of Downtown Miami (located right on Biscayne Bay), First Pres’ is one of the highest valued church properties in all of Miami. But is the property effective in making disciples tomorrow? Today?

This is where the conversation takes us. Christopher waxes theoretic a bit, and tells us about some of the new developments coming out of the ChVRch+ platform, and how churches of today need to prepare for tomorrow’s challenges.


Stadia is getting ready to launch another round of their Phygital Learning Communities. Almost 70 churches right now are learning how to THRIVE, GROW, and MULTIPLY. We want to help your church learn how physical and digital can work together to achieve your mission and vision, meanwhile letting your Church, Online, be authentically you. Phygital Learning Communities are starting soon. Check out http://stadiachurchplanting.org/phygital for more information.

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Source: PODCAST 084: Christopher Benek, Virtual Reality, & Beyond Church Buildings