14550 Lee Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151

Tag: james


In Conflict, Check Your Motives

By: Brandon A. Cox In Conflict, Check Your Motives .et_post_meta_wrapper Have you ever realized, mid-conversation, that the person you’re arguing with is actually right and you are wrong, but you’re already in too deep to turn around so you keep going anyway? Me too. It’s evidence of our pride and […]


The Thing That Scares Me the Most

By: Brandon A. Cox The Thing That Scares Me the Most .et_post_meta_wrapper Know what really scares me as a pastor? It’s that my words are going to cause people to take action. People will, based on a sermon, based on a tweet, based on an interaction, or a counseling session […]


Real Faith Moves Past Fear

By: Brandon A. Cox Real Faith Moves Past Fear .et_post_meta_wrapper James’s chapter 2, verse 18 says, “Some of you will say you have I have faith, I have deeds: show me your faith without deeds and I’ll show you my faith by my deeds. You believe that there is one […]


Act on Behalf of the Oppressed

Act on Behalf of the Oppressed .et_post_meta_wrapper By: Brandon A. Cox The apostle James, the half brother of Jesus, has written to us about refusing to show favoritism and racism and classism. He challenges us to refuse to discriminate or carry prejudice in our hearts, but instead to assign infinite […]


The Ultimate Plan for Communicating Better

The Ultimate Plan for Communicating Better .et_post_meta_wrapper By Brandon Cox: Angie and I talk to a lot of couples about marriage, and one of the most common problems we encounter is the communication conundrum. Spouses really struggle to know how to articulate themselves as well as how to understand each […]


The Most Valuable Asset You Possess

The Most Valuable Asset You Possess .et_post_meta_wrapper by Brandon Cox: As I confessed in another recent devotional, I sometimes tend to be a know-it-all. In other words, I’m afraid of not having the answers, so I’m tempted to fake it and make something up if I can’t answer the question. […]


When Depression is Demonic

When Depression is Demonic .et_post_meta_wrapper by Brandon Cox: As I’ve said in many other places, I’m a huge believer that Christians should approach the subject of depression and mental health holistically. That is, we must consider the medical, spiritual, physical, psychological, and emotional angles. We should see counselors, talk to […]


The Two Big Reasons Why Believers Give Praise to God

The Two Big Reasons Why Believers Give Praise to God .et_post_meta_wrapper by Brandon Cox: We’re a pragmatic society. Meaning, we usually don’t invest time into doing something unless we can see the personal benefit of it, the more immediate the better. And pragmatism isn’t all bad. Sometimes the right question […]