Tag: Justin Gravitt

A Diagnostic Tool for Disciple Makers
By Justin Gravitt: Let’s take a moment to appreciate doctors. They really are amazing people. Whenever anything goes wrong with your body, they embark on a quest to diagnose, then treat the problem. They start by intently listening to your experience. They ask questions. They use instruments to poke, and […]

Three Outcomes of a Disciple Making Foundation
By Justin Gravitt: Luke 6:46-49, “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say? I will show you what he like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice. He is like a man building a house, who dug down […]

3 Keys to Growing Your Faith
By Justin Gravitt: Waking Him was their only option. At least, the only one they could see. The boat heaved violently as did their emotions. They were wet, weary, and worried as waves broke over the bow. The furious storm threatened their lives. Their worry reflected in the eyes of […]

Letter to “Almost Disciple Makers”
By Justin Gravitt: Hey, I’m trying to write more letters and God brought you to mind. First, I just want to say that your passion for God is obvious. You take the time to study and apply the Scriptures. Your heart for Jesus is clear. There’s no doubt that He’s […]

Lies We Believe: Growth Indicates God’s Blessing
By Justin Gravitt: Satan uses lies to attack disciples. Not only is he the father of lies (John 8:44) he also accuses disciples day and night (Rev. 12:10). We overcome lies by first uncovering and then standing on the truth. We’ve already uncovered these lies: 1. I can’t make a […]

Three Powerful Habits of Healthy Disciple Making Cultures
Justin Gravitt: Healthy things are created and sustained by need-meeting habits. Just consider the core habits needed for a healthy lifestyle: healthy eating and regular exercise. Both habits meet many of the body’s core needs. The first for nutrition, the second for musculoskeletal health. Not only do these habits largely […]

Pandemic Disciple Making: Dwelling in Darkness
By Justin Gravitt: Are you afraid of the dark? is more than a 90’s TV series. If you listen closely during this pandemic, you’ll likely hear screams bubbling up from within. The show centered around the “Midnight Society,” a group of teens who gathered together to tell spooky stories. Their […]

The Future of Disciple Making: Four Focus Shifts Churches Must Make NOW
By Justin Gravitt: The future is coming. If you look closely toward the horizon you can see a hint of light pushing against the darkness. As the future rises now is the time to seize the day! Though we currently sit in the darkness of the in-between, a new day […]

Pandemic Disciple Making: Lessons for the In-Between
By Justin Gravitt: “Ladies and gentleman, this is Justin, and I’ll be your captain today. On behalf of Jesus, welcome aboard Pandemic Flight COVID-19, offering non-stop service from your sense of normalcy to an undisclosed final destination. Flight time will be three weeks…uh, I mean three months… actually it could […]