Tag: leading

How To Lead Better One-on-One Meetings
By Shawn Lovejoy: Of all of the tensions you will face as a leader, the tension you will have the most self-doubt and inner turmoil over is the tension around the people you lead. I am talking about Team Tensions! Ever felt those? Thought so. So have I! While I […]

Loving the Church You Serve with Carl Kuhl
By unSeminary.com: Thanks for joining us for this week’s unSeminary podcast. Today we’re talking with church planter and lead pastor Carl Kuhl from Mosaic Christian Church in Maryland. Mosaic was planted in the fall of 2008, launching first in a movie theater, and has become one of the fastest growing […]

Dunning-Kruger Effect: What is it? How is it Impacting Your Church Leadership?
By unSeminary: In 1999, Psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger presented a landmark study that identified an important cognitive bias, which has subsequently been named the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Simply put, what they proved is that this effect causes people to overestimate their knowledge or ability, particularly in areas where they […]

2 Drivers of Healthy (or Unhealthy) Culture – Culture Series Part 2
by Shawn Lovejoy: Which comes first? Culture? Or Behavior? Does culture drive behavior? Or does behavior drive culture? Well, the answer, of course, is both. Culture is determined by the accumulation of all the behaviors in an organization. Every organization has a culture. Culture happens either by design or default. […]

How Meetings Can Clarify Vision
by Shawn Lovejoy: Meetings are used for many things. One missed opportunity I see in many meetings is failing to communicate, clarify or rally around vision. In my book Be Mean About The Vision: Preserving and Protecting What Matters, I reveal the most crucial vision questions; and I’m giving them to […]

Episode 429: Discerning the Lord’s Leading
by NewChurches.com: In Episode 429 of the NewChurches Q&A Podcast, Daniel and Ed discuss discerning your preferences from the Lord’s leading. In This Episode, You’ll Discover: What causes most pastors to be driven The importance of an ongoing relationship with the Lord Shareable Quotes (#NewChurches): “Realize you can’t separate those […]

Rewind: Your Favorite Free Resources From 2019
by Shawn Lovejoy: Over the course of 2019 we released a lot of free content at CourageToLead.com, helping so many leaders and teams grow healthier and grow faster! You seemed to connect with our blog posts, podcast episodes, and, for today’s post, our Free Downloadable Resources. The Free Downloadable Resources […]

How to Empower People in Ministry
By Annie Garman: How can we possibly lead well? In my 20 years of ministry experience, I’ve learned that doing it all yourself is not the answer. Even though it might feel slow, we’ve got to learn how to involve others and delegate things. Here are five practical ways to […]

If You Aspire to Lead, Start Leading Right Now
by Brandon A. Cox: I’m afraid it’s all too common for people to have huge aspirations about who they want to become in the future, but almost no plan or willingness to get there. We love the idea of changing the world, but we fail to see that changing the […]