by Shawn Lovejoy: Over the course of 2019 we released a lot of free content at, helping so many leaders and teams grow healthier and grow faster! You seemed to connect with our blog posts, podcast episodes, and, for today’s post, our Free Downloadable Resources.
The Free Downloadable Resources we released at CourageToLead were downloaded at a high rate in 2019. Many of you have used these to jumpstart change and improvement in your organizations, among your teams or in your personal leadership. Your downloads have proven what resources you found most helpful, so here they are…
Here are the Top 5 Downloaded Free Resources from 2019!
Setting Goals That Stick
Set goals that get things done rather than allowing good ideas to get lost in the land of poor execution. This free guide to setting goals that stick can be your roadmap.
Performance & Development Review
Take your team to the next level in how you review and develop them. Use this free template as your guide.
15 Ways to Have Drama-Free Conflict
Conflict is inevitable. Drama is a choice. Use this guide to deal with conflict in healthy ways with your team and unleash culture that other leaders want to be part of.
5 Purposes of Meetings
Meetings don’t have to be miserable. Discover the power of meetings in this free guide.
Taming Your Schedule
Calendars seem to manage chaos more than create momentum. Make the right changes to your time management and finally tame your schedule using this free guide.
Have a plan for your organization to breakthrough without causing you personal break down? We want to help!
Assess Your Growth Potential
Tackle The Tension Points
Eliminate Drama on the Team
Create a Plan for Healthy, Fast Growth!
Start by scheduling a Free Strategy Session