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Tag: Missions


Getting Our Priorities Straight

Home > Blog > Getting Our Priorities Straight Getting Our Priorities Straight By Ed Stetzer If in your travels you have ever passed by another country’s embassy, you may see people standing guard, usually in uniform and with their national flag. Those soldiers and the ambassador they guard inside are […]


Getting Our Language Right

Home > Blog > Getting Our Language Right Getting Our Language Right By Ed Stetzer Missional has been the word of the new millennium. People, churches and mission agencies want to be missional, but where does missions fit in? If we are all missional, and everything we do is missional, […]


Lead with What Your Church CAN DO with Chris Bell

By unSeminary: Welcome back to the unSeminary podcast. Today we’re talking with Chris Bell, from 3Circle Church in the Mobile, Alabama area. When the pandemic started, all we heard about was new restrictions and what we couldn’t do. Chris was immediately challenged to focus on what the church CAN do […]


Jesus-Centered Missions

By Jay Fast: I’ll never forget the moment when I was struck with the fact that Jesus intentionally used short-term, cross-cultural mission trips as part of his disciple-making process. It was the spring of 2013, I was sitting on a bench made from rough-cut logs on a beautiful day at […]


From Plateaued for 30 Years to One of the Fastest Growing Churches in the Country with Bob Riedy

By unSeminary: Welcome to this week’s unSeminary podcast. Today we’re talking with Bob Riedy from the Church of the Open Door (COD) in York, Pennsylvania. COD was started in the early 50s after breaking off of a mainline denomination. They experienced rapid growth for about 30 years, but then plateaued […]


The Most Urgent Things Your Church Should Be Doing Right Now

Home > Blog > The Most Urgent Things Your Church Should Be Doing Right Now The Most Urgent Things Your Church Should Be Doing Right Now By Ed Stetzer “The church has left the building.” We see this on church signs, hashtags, and t-shirt designs. It’s a great saying and […]


How Do You Create a Culture of Sending

Home > Blog > How Do You Create a Culture of Sending How Do You Create a Culture of Sending By New Churches Team Every church starts as a church plant. And often they start with a lot of missional energy that gets lost over time. Sometimes many years go […]


The Foolish Quest for a “Silver Bullet” in Global Missions

by Steve Jennings: We have an insatiable desire for fast results and quick fixes. Over the years I’ve lived overseas, it’s become clear that this yearning has touched our missions methods as well. As I’ve read books on missions and sat through seminars, I can’t help but sense that we’re […]