14550 Lee Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151

Tag: Small Churches


CNLP 193: Clay Scroggins on How the Digital Disruption is Changing Everything For Churches and Businesses

by Carey Nieuwhof: There’s no question we’re undergoing one of the biggest transformations in history, but the digital disruption that’s happening around us every day has caught most church and business leaders off guard. Clay talks about how large and small organizations are missing out on one of the greatest […]


CNLP 192: Caleb Kaltenbach on How to Embrace an Outraged and Polarized Culture Most Leaders No Longer Like

by Carey Nieuwhof: In a polarized culture filled with a growing number of angry people, how do you find your voice, counter arguments and keep your sanity? Messy Grace author Caleb Kaltenbach is back with a fresh look on how to embrace a culture of outrage and division. Conservatives and […]


5 Truths About Growth and Scale That Frustrate Most Leaders

by Carey Nieuwhof: Every leader I know hopes their church or organization grows. The challenge is that few are prepared for what happens when it does. As strange as it seems, most of us think growth will be easy—that when everything is up and to the right, all problems and stresses […]


5 Tell-Tale Signs Your Church Is Geared to Insiders, Not Outsiders

by Carey Nieuwhof: Pretty much every church leader I talk to says they long to reach their community. After all, the church is one of the only missions on the planet that exists for the sake of its non-members. But there’s a strange tension to which leaders are often blind: as […]


5 Things Millennials Are Looking For In a Church

by Carey Nieuwhof: One of the questions almost every church leader I know is asking is “How do we reach Millennials?”—that demographic of young adults now in their mid-twenties to age 40. It’s a great question. They’re hardly kids anymore. They’re today’s adults. And many churches have missed them altogether. One of the […]


7 Things That Will Drive Future Church Growth

by Carey Nieuwhof: You got into church leadership because you wanted to introduce people to Jesus. That’s pretty much how all of us begin, isn’t it? And yet every year, it seems to get harder to reach people. It’s not for lack of effort. Most church leaders try hard, pray hard […]


7 Ways to Build Teams of Great Leaders (When You Feel Like Your Team Is Lacking)

by Carey Nieuwhof: Ever done this: looked at other churches and organizations and thought to yourself “I wish I had their leaders?” And then you look around your church and think…”But I don’t have leaders like that. And I have no idea how to get a great team to take us […]


Why Most Churches That Start Small…Stay Small

by Carey Nieuwhof: So…you want your church to grow, right? When I ask ministry leaders whether they want to see growth, almost every leader I’ve ever talked to says yes. Sure…there are some house church movements that want to stay small. And some long time or xenophobic churches have lost their appetite […]


Connecting New People Who Come to Your Church

by Carey Nieuwhof: Christine Birch has been part of three large churches in both Canada and the US. How do you connect people in a large church and how do you connect them at your church? Christine shares her experiences on both sides of the border as they apply to […]


If You’re Tired of Doing Everything Yourself As a Leader, Read This

by Carey Nieuwhof: Tired of doing everything yourself? Most leaders are. And yet we feel we have to do it or it won’t get done right, or maybe it won’t get done at all. I’ve been there. I get it. But the question is why? Why do so many leaders end […]