Tag: values

Episode 572: Creating Core Values
By NewChurches.com: In Episode 572 of the NewChurches Q&A Podcast, Daniel and Ed discuss figuring out your values when you are planting a church. In This Episode, You’ll Discover: How to determine what your core values are When vision drift occurs Shareable Quotes (#NewChurches): “When you plant a new church […]

The New Scarcity: Why Content Alone Won’t Generate Future Growth For Your Church Or Organization
By Carey Nieuwhof: For years, the key to growth for many churches and other organizations (think media, conferences etc) has been to create great content. In the case of a church, great preaching often (not always, but often) has been synonymous with growth. In the case of conferences, media and […]

2 Essential Guidelines for Your Goals
By Shawn Lovejoy: With all this talk about goal setting and New Year’s Resolutions, I thought it was important to clarify something very foundational when it comes to goal setting. When charting our aim for a new year the question we must answer is, “Why do I want to accomplish […]

Creating a Culture of Evangelistic Accountability
By Ed Stetzer: Evangelism has the ability to make some of us very uncomfortable. We worry about offending people. We agonize over saying something wrong, unorthodox, or unhelpful that might end up leading someone further from Christ in lieu of closer to him. While we certainly don’t want to share Jesus […]

Challenges to Becoming a Multicultural Church
By Ed Stetzer: One of the biggest issues in our culture is race relations. I write about it often, and the latest #Charlottesville incident reminds us of the brokenness we face in this area. One of the biggest knocks on the Church is that 11:00 on Sunday morning is still the most segregated […]

What Do Highly Effective Organizations Measure?
by Dick Blanc: As we continue to introduce more and more large churches to our RoadMap process, we’ve found this introductory content to be extremely beneficial to leaders who are looking to understand what it takes to grow and lead high-performing organizations. Over the next few weeks we will be republishing […]