by Dick Blanc: As we continue to introduce more and more large churches to our RoadMap process, we’ve found this introductory content to be extremely beneficial to leaders who are looking to understand what it takes to grow and lead high-performing organizations. Over the next few weeks we will be republishing this series of content in hopes that it will be useful to you and your leadership team.
In my previous blog post, “How Do Large Churches Become High-Performing Organizations?”, I highlighted one of the key differences between high and low performing organizations. The leaders of enduring high-performance companies regularly use a process to measure and assess the organization’s leadership alignment and capacity to achieve the vision on at least an annual basis. The question becomes, “What exactly are they measuring?”
In 30 years of advising leaders of high-performing companies, I’ve observed there are nine foundational areas of operational capacity that enable highly effective organizations to thrive over the long term. These 9 foundations of organizational capacity were first developed through a collaboration between McKinsey & Company and Venture Philanthropy Partners, based on insights from hundreds of highly successful organizations. The outcome was the creation of the Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool which has been used repeatedly by some of the strongest companies across the globe.
© 1996 – 2013 McKinsey & Company (edited for use by Leadership Network)
This survey tool has also been custom-designed and tailored to the non-profit social sector that comprises churches, ministries and other social enterprises focused on changed lives. In fact, Leadership Network and McKinsey are collaborating on behalf of large churches on a RoadMap process for large church leadership teams that utilizes the highly proven McKinsey assessment tool and Leadership Network’s capabilities in facilitating ideas to actions and outcomes for your church leadership team.
In order to grasp the significance of this assessment for large churches, I want to dive deeper into each foundational areas of organization capacity and vision alignment. Through two blog posts and a 7-week email series, we’ll discuss examples of what high performing organizations have done to thrive in each of the above 9 capability areas, and how each of these applies to your church.
How well is your church doing in the 9 organizational capacity areas? Do your leadership team and key volunteers have clarity and strong alignment with your vision?
The Roadmap Process can help you find out!