by Brandon Cox: My nine-year-old asked me the other day, “If I ask Santa for a laptop, he’ll get me one, right?” To which I simply replied, “Probably not.”
Some of us view God as a sort of genie in the sky, ready to shower down gifts and presents on us whenever we ask, even if what we’re asking for isn’t for our good or God’s glory.
At the same time, just as many of us believe an opposite error – that God isn’t much of a giver and isn’t interested in answering our prayers for the things we need.
But here’s what the Bible says to those who believe in him…
Every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm has already been lavished upon us as a love gift from our wonderful heavenly Father, the Father of our Lord Jesus-all because he sees us wrapped into Christ. This is why we celebrate him with all our hearts!
Ephesians 1:3 TPT
Let’s just break this down…
Every… Not just a handful of the things you’ll need, but every blessing you will need.
Spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm… It’s possible you didn’t even know you needed some invisible, spiritual, supernatural resources. But God knows your needs better than you do.
Has already been lavished upon us… It’s past tense. In Christ, you’ve already been given everything you need at your deepest level. And that word, lavished, is such a beautiful word. It’s been poured out upon you in great measure.
Because he sees us wrapped into Christ… God doesn’t give you good things because you’re good. He gives you heavenly things because you trust in his Son, Jesus, and therefore you’re wrapped up in him. You are robed, entirely by grace, with the very righteousness of Christ.
So everything that you really need, on a spiritual, supernatural level, has already been lavished upon you because God is a giver, because God loves his Son, and because God loves you.
When you need hope, you’ll find it in the heavenly realm, which is accessible by prayer. When you need peace, or joy, or purpose, or security, or anything else, it’s already available in the throneroom of God.
So, what do you need today?
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