by Rich Birch: If the people in your community don’t know that your church exists, they won’t ever join your church.
If nobody in your city is aware of your church’s services or Sunday gatherings, you’ve lost a chance to connect those people to your discipleship process. A frequently overlooked step in connecting with a community is simply building baseline awareness of a church in that broader community. The first step in connecting with new guests at your church is making them aware of your church in the first place.
When was the last time your church reached out to the community to make your presence known?
How are you actively ensuring that people in your town know about your church and the services you offer?
Here are five categories that outline different ways you can build community awareness of your church. (Granted, I know that some of these things cost money, but I presume you either have budget money allocated or could reallocate resources towards this area.) We’re passionate about reaching people in our communities because the local church is the only organization in the world that doesn’t exist for its own people. We exist for people outside our walls and reaching out to them starts with them knowing us.
Source: 16 (Nearly Free) Ways to Increase Community Awareness of Your Church – unSeminary