Tag: community outreach

Inspiring Reflections on 2020 from Chicago with Mark Jobe
By unSeminary: Thanks for tuning in to this week’s unSeminary podcast. Today we’re talking to Mark Jobe, senior pastor at New Life Community Church (NLCC) in Chicago area and president of Moody Bible institute. New Life Community Church meets primarily in the city and has 28 locations with 40+ worship […]

From Plateaued for 30 Years to One of the Fastest Growing Churches in the Country with Bob Riedy
By unSeminary: Welcome to this week’s unSeminary podcast. Today we’re talking with Bob Riedy from the Church of the Open Door (COD) in York, Pennsylvania. COD was started in the early 50s after breaking off of a mainline denomination. They experienced rapid growth for about 30 years, but then plateaued […]

Campus Planning Dashboard
By: Portable Church Industries .et_post_meta_wrapper For multiplication minded leaders in the church while deciding on where to church plant or launch your next church campus… A wise decision-making process is most comfortable and satisfying when ALL of the information is available. Making fully informed decisions with “all hearts clear” […]

Inside a Church Growing from Less than 100 to Almost 2,000 in 5 Years with Mark Zweifel
by unSeminary: Welcome to this week’s episode of the unSeminary podcast. Today Pastor Mark Zweifel of True North Church in Fairbanks, Alaska is joining us. True North is an 80 year old church and when Mark first came to the church, he was the fourth pastor in four years and […]

16 (Nearly Free) Ways to Increase Community Awareness of Your Church
by Rich Birch: If the people in your community don’t know that your church exists, they won’t ever join your church. If nobody in your city is aware of your church’s services or Sunday gatherings, you’ve lost a chance to connect those people to your discipleship process. A frequently overlooked […]