by Rich Birch: We live in a digital age, so why are we bothering to talk about paper invitations?
Can these little cards that announce upcoming series at your church still be an effective tool in the here and now?
Haven’t we moved beyond mass broadcasting to use platforms like Facebook to get in contact with people who might want to come to our church?
Despite the drive of the digital world, invite cards continue to be a core tool used by prevailing churches to encourage people to invite others to church. When I travel to large and growing churches, I regularly see invite cards as a central part of the communication process. There are really two important groups that invite cards motivate when it comes to seeing new people come to your church: first-time guests and those who currently attend your church.
There’s something different about handing people a tangible item in a largely digital world and saying, “Please pass these on to your friends and ask them to come to our church.” These cards end up in cars and on kitchen counters where they serve as an effective reminder to people to invite their friends to church. Even if the physical cards don’t make it into the hands of their friends, they help encourage those attending your church to invite their friends. A best practice is to hand these cards out in bundles of two or three so that people can invite two or three guests. In a very real way, this strategy is so old-school that it has a new-school ring to it, as it pushes beyond our digital landscape and ultimately encourages face-to-face interactions.
Source: 5 Best Practices For Using Invite Cards At Your Church – unSeminary