by Carey Nieuwhof: It’s easy to believe that there will come a day when your church or organization will never struggle and you’ll never struggle as a leader.
As tempting as that is to believe, it’s just not true.
Every church struggles. And every leader struggles. And—yes—even growing churches struggle.
I outlined the struggles smaller churches experience in my post 5 Tensions Every Small To Mid-Sized Church Leader Feels. Having started ministry in very small churches, I can relate to each of those struggles personally.
But your struggles as a leader or as a church don’t go away when your church starts to grow. They simply change.
I’ve always said I’d rather have the challenges associated with growth than I would the challenges associated with decline (and that’s absolutely true), but it still means you have challenges.
As our church has grown from a handful of people to over 1,500 people who now attend and over 3000 people who call our church home, we’ve navigated all of these challenges. So has almost every church that’s grown. And I’ve felt the same challenges as this blog, my leadership podcast and other things I do have grown.
Here are 9 thing pretty much every leader struggles with as their church or organization starts to grow…
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Source: 9 Surprising Challenges You’ll Face When Your Church Grows