by Peyton Jones: Acts was not written to show us how to do church. It was written to show us how to do churches. Acts was written to show us how the church expands; how the West was won. From day one at Pentecost, Peter as a wise leader knew that the vision of what was going to happen would be shared. God was going to speak to, inspire, and move through everybody. Part of the miracle of tongues on the day of Pentecost was to the ears of the hearers. Peter tells them that the activity of the Holy Spirit would cause old men to dream dreams, and young men see visions. Both of these groups of people aren’t taken all that seriously, but the bottom line was this; inclusion.
Church plants are the place to dream.
The reason that Acts 1 & 2 are so important is that most people want to be an Acts 2:42 church. But if read properly, the reader understands that in order to be an Acts 2 church, you must first be an Acts 1 church. Getting on your knees, and seeking Him for His presence is the chief business of your core team. As they do that, the Holy Spirit will begin to speak to each of them, burdening each of them for the work. When that starts to happen, a leader knows that God is in the house, and he’s merely a servant, serving as a doorkeeper in the house of the Lord. Just keep holding that door open church planter so that the presence of the Holy Spirit can come in and lift up Christ in your midst! That’s what happened on Pentecost!
Buy Peyton’s newest book “Reaching The Unreached: Becoming Raiders of the Lost Art” over on Amazon.com. You can also download a free chapter and watch a cool trailer for the book HERE or click the image below.