14550 Lee Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151

Category: Marketing


The Current American Tension and 4 Opportunities for the Church

by Carey Nieuwhof: You don’t need to be anything more than a casual observer of American (and Western) culture to know that something significant is happening. Charlottesville, Ferguson, Baltimore and a host of other cities that have seen events which symbolize the problems this generation is struggling with will, sadly, likely […]


Get These 12 Church Logo Files from Your Designer

by Patrick Bradley: As part of the branding process, you’ll be working with a designer to create a logo. When it’s finalized, you’ll want to get these 12 church logo files from your designer. You’re going to need to use your church logo in lots of different ways. You’d be […]


How to make your church Gospel-Centered

by Mark Dever: Here are 15 practical things you can do to help keep your church Gospel-centered. Mark Dever is the senior pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D. C., and the President of 9Marks. You can find him on Twitter at @MarkDever. Source: How to make your […]


A Conversation with Joel Southerland about Social Media and Evangelism: Podcast 221

by Nils Smith: If there is one thing that we keep on hearing from our church leaders who use social media, it’s that “Social media is a tool for evangelism!” – and it’s something that most of us agree with. The rest of the details, however, often do not follow. […]


6 Great Reasons to Network in Your Community

by Patrick Bradley: Networking is when you’re meeting with civic officials, business leaders, community groups, nonprofits, etc. Here are 6 great reasons to go network in your community today. I’m sure I don’t have hard numbers to prove it, but I would argue that there’s a tangible difference in the […]


3 Tools to Claim Consistent Social Usernames

by Patrick Bradley: As you’re creating the brand for your new church plant, one of your challenges will be to claim consistent social usernames. Learn from my mistake. I already have this problem: On Twitter I’m @plantingtactics And on Instagram I’m @plantingtactics But on Facebook I’m /churchplantingtactics And sadly on […]


Making Disciples Like Jesus? Then Love Like Jesus

by Bobby Harrington: Most people do not know how to love one another. We must learn how to do that. So, without that knowledge, most people only love those who agree with them politically or socially or morally. If you are different, they think, What is wrong with you, the […]


Your Message Matters, So Keep Telling Your Story

by Brandon A. Cox: Scott walked away from God nearly a decade ago and became an agnostic. Cheryl spent those years praying for a miracle but living in a spiritual mismatch. A couple of weeks ago, Scott came back home because he could no longer deny the reality that God […]


How to Manage Multiple Communication Channels

by Patrick Bradley: You’ve probably run into this: you want to send out a newsletter or important announcement but some people prefer email, some text and some social media. Who has time to manage multiple communication channels? One of the ironies of our age of communication is that communicating as […]


Do These 8 Steps When Your Church Launches a New Series

by Rich Birch: Church growth is more of a flywheel than a cannon shot. It requires consistent energy applied in the same direction over time to see results. It doesn’t happen overnight but as you gain traction the small wins start to add up and something truly amazing happens. A […]