14550 Lee Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151

Category: Marketing


3 Church Plant Website Stages You Need to Transition Through

Once you get to the launch of your regular worship gatherings, your church plant website will have gone through several stages. Plan ahead for these 3 church plant website stages so you can transition intentionally instead of accidentally. Your major church plant website stages will take their cues from your […]


12 Church Sub-Calendars You Need Today

Church sub-calendars are a great way to keep everything organized at your church. Setting them up is relatively easy and it solves the following 3 problems. Whether or not you’re a program-driven church, there are things that happen in the life of your church each year. Keeping them all straight […]

Timing Is Everything: Why Your Pre-launch Phase Matters

I’m an ENTP. That’s not an abbreviation for entrepreneur, but it could be. It’s my Myers-Briggs personality profile. Statistically speaking, most church planters tend to be ENTP or a similar profile, with a knack for starting new things and the gumption to dream big. But often what accompanies the “typical” […]

Launch Plan Tip #288 — Select Church Name

Every legal entity must have a name. In the case of the church, the name communicates many things about who you are. The name of the church should flow directly out of your philosophy of ministry. Once you have defined the mission, vision and core values for the church, you’re […]