14550 Lee Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151

Category: Planter Health


5 Big Surprises About Church Growth Nobody Told Me About

by Carey Nieuwhof: Leadership is a little like life. There’s a picture in your head of how things will go, and then there’s how they actually go. The same is true when it comes to church growth. While church growth has its share of critics, I’ve rarely met a church leader […]


Overcoming Three Big Leadership Fears

by Brandon A. Cox: I’m a leader. And it’s likely that you are too, whether you’re in an officially recognized leadership position or not. Leadership is influence, and it’s pretty much guaranteed you’re influencing people – employees, kids, a spouse, a church or small group, etc. I agree with the […]


11 Church Plant Health Insurance Options (yes, eleven!)

by Patrick Bradley: Turns out there are lots of church plant health insurance options. It’s still a little complicated, but you have more options than ever to choose from. Here’s an overview as a springboard to your research. If you’re a new church hiring staff or an established church that’s […]


6 Things NOT to Do Just Before Your Church Plant Launch

by Patrick Bradley: The time just before your church plant launch can be an exciting but stressful time. So why would you want to pile up more stress on top? I’ve seen church planters weather some tough life events in the first few years of a church plant. I think […]


Filtering + Accountability + Humility: How to Protect You and Your Family from Internet Pornography

by Brandon A. Cox: Most of the conversations I have with men that go deep and personal pertain to lust and online pornography. Sometimes it’s deeper and even darker, especially when porn has created the illusion that people (especially women) are mere objects to be stared at and lusted after […]


Mental Health and Our Pastors: The Elephant in the Room

by Ron Edmondson: We were all stunned by the death of Lead Pastor Andrew Stoecklein from California. Pastor Stocklein’s wife wrote an incredible tribute to her husband on her blog and I posted it to my personal Facebook page. The response was overwhelming. I was encouraged by the compassion people shared. […]


5 [New] Character Rules Every Leader Should Follow

by Carey Nieuwhof: Character has always been important, but it seems like it’s never been as important as it is now. There have been far too many stories of church leaders, business leaders, politicians, athletes and other public figures whose private walk has not measured up to their public talk and […]


7 Signs Church Leaders Are Just Busy, Not Effective

by Rich Birch: As one season rolls into the next, it’s a natural time for us to step back and evaluate whether we are being as effective as possible in our churches. As I think about my own performance over the years and consider how I serve my communities, I’m […]


7 Signs The Insecure Leader on the Team…Is You

by Carey Nieuwhof: Ever feel a little insecure as a leader? You’re not alone. Insecurity is something I’ve battled, and I can think of almost no-one in leadership who hasn’t struggled with it at some point, including most very successful leaders. Insecurity is that awkward lack of confidence that makes […]


The 7 Most Likely Challenges To Take You Out or Stunt Your Growth As a Leader

by Carey Nieuwhof: You didn’t start out in leadership to give up early or never realize your potential, but admit it: you’ve seen it happen to leaders around you all the time. The question is: is it happening to you? It’s a great question to ask…and not enough leaders ask it. […]