by Carey Nieuwhof: Ever feel a little insecure as a leader?
You’re not alone.
Insecurity is something I’ve battled, and I can think of almost no-one in leadership who hasn’t struggled with it at some point, including most very successful leaders.
Insecurity is that awkward lack of confidence that makes you too aggressive in some settings, and too passive and resigned in others. It makes you hide from who you really are from others, and honestly, it makes you hide from yourself.
Finally, insecurity drains the life out of your leadership and ultimately out of you.
Insecure leaders have a hard time identifying the fact that they’re insecure, because, well, insecurity feels normal to them.
The challenge is as an insecure person, your behaviour will make perfect sense to you but not to anyone else.
So rather than having that happen, why not look for the signs insecurity is impacting your life and leadership now?
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