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Shifting from Discipleship Programs to Purpose


by Jim Putman: When Jesus said to go and make disciples, he defined his methodology by his own example. Jesus’s methods were more involved than just standing up in front of people and teaching them biblical truth. He walked alongside people – holding conversations with them through the course of the day. He held them accountable and demonstrated truth to them directly as they went. And history has proven that his methodology worked!

In today’s culture, it can be challenging to be relational the way Jesus was with the people of his day. Most of us lead busy lives. Lives that separate us from others in our offices, cubicles, and homes. We drive alone in our cars to where we need to go – we often eat our meals separately or on the run getting ready to be somewhere. Times have changed from when people used to live and work in a town where the saw their neighbors on a daily basis…


This was originally posted on Jim Putman’s blog here. Used with permission.


The post Shifting from Discipleship Programs to Purpose appeared first on Discipleship.org.

Source: Shifting from Discipleship Programs to Purpose