How do you keep your congregation unified when there is a language barrier?
In Episode 189 of the NewChurches Q&A Podcast, we’ll talk about some ways to remove the language barrier in a multiethnic ministry. Here’s Lynn with today’s question:
Do you recommend utilizing headsets for a congregation that speaks a different language than the pastor that is preaching?
In this episode, you’ll discover:
The benefits of simultaneous translation.
The importance of keeping the congregation unified in worship.
Shareable Quotes (#NewChurches):
“A translator needs to mimic the tones and intonation of the preacher.”–@danielsangi
“The most important thing is that it should feel like one congregation, one body, worshipping God together.”–@toddadkins
“There is so much that is communicated through the intonation and body language of the preacher, and the translation needs to reflect that.” –@danielsangi
Additional Resources:
Read 2 Kinds of Multi-Ethnic Churches.
Read An Unprecedented Opportunity.
Listen to Episode 165: Language Barriers in Multiethnic Ministry.
Download your free copy of Pipeline: Succession at Every Level.
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