How do you protect your church members from getting burnt out?
In Episode 191 of the NewChurches Q&A Podcast, we’ll talk about some ways to avoid burnout for your church members. Here’s Allie with today’s question:
How do you ensure that church members do not get burnt out in the multisite pioneering process?
In this episode, you’ll discover:
How compelling visions can prevent burnout.
The importance of conviction, culture, and constructs.
Shareable Quotes (#NewChurches):
“Part of ensuring that your members don’t get burnt out is by doing your homework and getting things ready.”–@danielsangi
“Have a compelling vision and keep it in front of your members.”–@toddadkins
“So often we sacrifice great ministry on the altar if good ministry.” –@toddadkins
“Every time you start things, you need to learn how to stop things–that is where your strategy will have its birthplace.”–@danielsangi
“Getting rid of yesterday is the decision that most long-range plans in business never tackle–which may be the main reason for their futility.”–Peter Drucker
Additional Resources:
Read How to Develop Vision from Burden.
Read Clear and Concise Vision Casting.
Listen to Episode 71: Avoiding Distraction and Burnout.
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