By In Episode 568 of the NewChurches Q&A Podcast, Daniel and Todd discuss what systems are needed for a post-COVID church.
In This Episode, You’ll Discover:
Why you should keep your simplified systems moving forward
How contingency planning now can help you in the future
Shareable Quotes (#NewChurches):
“We are all going to have a tendency to go back to the same systems rather than take a simplified system forward.” – @toddadkins
“Carry your simplified systems forward.” – @toddadkins
“Think through what we have we learned now so that we can be more flexible in the future.” – @toddadkins
“We all wish we would have had more contingency plans in place in the past.” – @toddadkins
“We do need to make sure that we are thinking about those contingency plans because that definitely will interrupt the regular ebb and flow of what ministry looks like in your church.” – @danielsangi
“We have a cycle where we are planning ministry three times a year.” – @danielsangi
“Five year planning is off the table. We really need to think in the terms of quarter, annual, and three years.” – @toddadkins
Recommended Resources:
Listen to Episode 564: What Established Churches Can Learn From Church Plants
Listen to Episode 566: What Church Plants Can Learn From Established Churches
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