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PODCAST 116: Collin Jones & Owning Your Platform


PODCAST 116: Collin Jones & Owning Your Platform

By TheChurch.Digital: When COVID hit, the majority of churches did not have a digital strategy, at least in context of broadcasting services or making disciples online. March 2020 saw many churches scrambling to adopt digital strategies, sometimes taking the path of least resistance. Facebook Live, YouTube Live… these are great tools! But they are borrowed platforms. While they are easy and free, there ultimately is a “cost” to the church.

What if Facebook, what if YouTube, were to say, “Churches can no longer use our services?” Would your digital strategy still exist? If our digital strategy is totally dependent on borrowed platforms, ultimately, that means that these platforms have the ability to control, to possibly limit or restrict, the voice of the church.

Radical thought? Probably. Something we the church need to be concerned about? Definitely. Join in the podcast as Jeff and Rey talk with Collin Jones, President of Resi Media, in their conversation centering around Churches “owning” their platforms.

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Source: PODCAST 116: Collin Jones & Owning Your Platform