by Daniel Im:
In Matthew 28, we see Jesus Christ’s clear vision for the church, “To go into all the world and make disciples.” This is the mission that drives us, and if you’re reading this, odds are it drives you, too. That’s why we want to join you as you multiply the mission.
If multiplying your church were easy, then everyone would be doing it. If planting a new church was just about finding a building and sticking a sign out front, then we would see fewer failed starts. If multisite wasn’t that complex, then we would see more success.
The fact is, you and I can’t do any of this by ourselves. That’s why we exist here at Our hope is to come alongside you and help you go from where you are to where you need to be.
After all, don’t we all need to stop for directions once in a while? We’ve been where you’re at. We know your pains. We know your joys. We know your questions. And with our collective knowledge and experience, we can help you find your answers.
Through our research and analysis of over 600 church planters, we’ve seen a significant value to having a mentor and a coach. Having a coach impacts your worship attendance because accountability leads to productivity. Planters who would meet regularly with a mentor led churches that were almost twice the size of those that had no mentor.
Relationships make leaders; wise leaders will also create learning relationships. This is not easy for most church planters, who tend to be free spirits and perhaps mavericks. But the best church planters combine innovation with learning and become leaders under accountability.”
– Ed Stetzer
The reality is, many planters and pastors lack fellowship with their peers. Who do you share your ministry burdens with? And what about the challenges that you face in planting and multiplying?
Nowhere else is there a place like, where thought leaders in church multiplication like Ed Stetzer, Daniel Im, and the rest of the author community are here waiting to coach and mentor you. Not only will you have access to them, but you will also be a part of a unique community of leaders who are all passionate about church multiplication for the glory of God.