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Have you forgotten someone at the leadership table?


by Leadership Network: Next week, our very own Kadi Cole will be on the mainstage at the Exponential Global Conference sharing with thousands of church planters and leaders. God has positioned Kadi with influence and insight into how churches can multiply a movement of female leaders. This issue must matter to us in our moment in time.

At Leadership Network, our commitment is to identify and help ignite the conversations that matter most for the Church. We have loved being a part of Kadi’s ministry and what God is doing through her.

Last year, Kadi released a book with us entitled Developing Female Leaders. It has been transforming the perspectives and practices of church leadership teams across North America. Why has her book been so impactful? Well, as Kadi describes it:

“The research for the book includes interviews with over 30 high-level female and male church leaders and surveys from over 1200 female ministry leaders.  The book highlights The Eight Best Practices for developing female leaders and recommended steps that are eye-opening, encouraging and practical to implement.“

Kadi has been directing a Developing Female Leaders Group with us over this last year and we are preparing for additional initiatives in 2020. If you would like more information on developing female leaders, click here.

The post Have you forgotten someone at the leadership table? appeared first on Leadership Network.

Source: Have you forgotten someone at the leadership table?