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Tag: Books


Have you forgotten someone at the leadership table?

by Leadership Network: Next week, our very own Kadi Cole will be on the mainstage at the Exponential Global Conference sharing with thousands of church planters and leaders. God has positioned Kadi with influence and insight into how churches can multiply a movement of female leaders. This issue must matter […]


20 Books I Read in 2019

20 Books I Read in 2019 .et_post_meta_wrapper by Brandon Cox: I read a lot of books in 2019. More than usual, in fact. Some were just okay. Some were fantastic. And a couple were downright mind-altering and life-changing. Before you browse my list, here are a few things you should […]


CNLP 275: Drew Dyck on the Rise of the Internet, the Demise of Curated Content, the Massive Changes in Journalism and Tips on How to Develop Better Self Control

by Carey Nieuwhof: So many leaders struggle with willpower and self-control, whether that’s grabbing that extra piece of chocolate cake, acting up at a meeting or just not taking care of themselves. Drew Dyck discusses his latest book on willpower and explains how habits are the key to greater self-control. […]


Leading Yourself Well – Five Books

by Healthy Growing Churches: This summer, our focus has been on helping you lead well. We posted about leading ourselves, our families,  our ministries, through transformation, and leading through conflict and adversity. Last week, we shared with you some of our favorite Podcasts to help you grow and mature in […]


4 Things That Shouldn’t Drive Church Growth (And One Thing That Should)

by Carey Nieuwhof: Something’s driving your church.  There are a variety of things that drive a church…the challenge for many church leaders is no one is really quite clear on what that is. What drives your church is critical because it impacts everything you do. Ultimately, it directly impacts both your health […]


The Top Book Recommendations of 12 Disciple Making Leaders

by Bobby Harrington: Discipleship.org asked the leaders of 12 Disciple Making ministries that partner with us to share their top 2 book recommendations. We told everyone to assume the recommendations of two classics: The Master Plan of Evangelism, by Robert Coleman and The Cost of Discipleship, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. We also […]


New Release – Together: A Guide for Couples Doing Ministry Together

by Greg Ligon: Being a couple in ministry is a daunting and difficult task. Many couples find that ministry is all-encompassing, time with your spouse is hard to prioritize, the pressure is overwhelming and balance seems impossible. It’s a unique calling with unique challenges and often comes with less-than-adequate preparation, […]


Everyone’s a Genius: Unleashing Creativity for the Sake of the World

by Greg Ligon: Many people in our churches are heading toward burnout in the areas they serve, but they still feel like no one has invited them to do anything challenging, exciting, or creative for the sake of the world. Their passion meter is low while their frustration meter is high. What if, […]


Ideas for Your Summer Reading List

By Warren Bird: What’s on your summer reading list? Here are my recommendations for church leaders: Bigger Faster Leadership by Samuel R. Chand   Renowned leadership consultant, Samuel R. Chand details the account of the construction of the Panama Canal, and draws parallels between it and successful leadership methodology. An […]