by Bobby Harrington: asked the leaders of 12 Disciple Making ministries that partner with us to share their top 2 book recommendations. We told everyone to assume the recommendations of two classics: The Master Plan of Evangelism, by Robert Coleman and The Cost of Discipleship, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. We also encouraged each leader to only recommend only one of books that they have written.
Here are top two recommendations from each leader (and their organization).
Bill Hull (Bonhoeffer Project)
Conversion and Discipleship, Bill Hull
Divine Conspiracy, Dallas Willard
Jim Putman (Relational Discipleship Network)
Real-Life Discipleship Training Manual, Jim Putman, Bill Krause, Avery Willis, and Brandon Guindon
Four Chair Discipling, Dann Spader
Daniel Im (LifeWay)
No Silver Bullets, Daniel Im
The Disciple Makers Handbook, Bobby Harrington and Josh Patrick.
Greg Ogden (Global Discipleship Initiative)
Transforming Discipleship: Making Disciples A Few at a Time, Ogden
The Disciple Making Pastor, Bill Hull
Dann Spader (Sonlife Ministries)
Four Chair Discipling, Dann Spader
Bold Moves, Craig Etheridge
Robby Gallaty (Replicate Ministries)
Rediscovering Discipleship, Robby Gallaty
The Disciple Making Pastor, Bill Hull
Regi Campbell (Radical Mentoring)
Mentor like Jesus, Regi Campbell
Bo’s Café, John Lynch, Bill Thrall and Bruce McNicol
Justin Gravitt (Navigator Church Ministries)
Ways of the Alongsider, Bill Mowry
High Quest: Women of Distinction, Navigators
Monte Starkes (Life on Life Ministries)
Transforming Discipleship: Making Disciples A Few at a Time, Greg Ogden
The Training of the Twelve, A. B. Bruce
Kennon Vaughan (Downline Ministries)
The Training of the Twelve, A. B. Bruce
Trellis and the Vine, Colin Marshall and Tony Payne
Dave Buehring (Lionshare)
The Discipleship Journey, Dave Buehring
The Complete Book of Discipleship, Bill Hull
Craig Etheredge (discipleFIRST)
Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus, Ann Spangler and Lois Tverberg
Four Chair Discipling, Dann Spader
The four books that received more than one recommendation are The Disciple Making Pastor by Bill Hull, Four Chair Discipling, by Dann Spader, Transforming Discipleship: Making Disciples A Few at a Time, by Greg Ogden, and The Training of the Twelve, by A. B. Bruce. We recommend all of the books we have listed to our readers.
Our National Disciple Making Forum, October 25-26th will feature ten of the authors of these recommended books. Our theme for 2018 is Discipling Relationships. We hope you will be able to join us.
Written by Bobby Harrington
Bobby Harrington is the Executive Director of, a national platform, conference, and ministry that advocates for Jesus’ style of disciple making. He is the founding and lead pastor of Harpeth Christian Church (by the Harpeth River, just outside of Nashville, TN). He has a Doctor of Ministry degree in consulting and has spent years as a coach to church planters and senior pastors. He is the author of several books on discipleship, including DiscipleShift (with Jim Putman and Robert Coleman) and The Disciple Maker’s Handbook (with Josh Patrick).
Photo by João Silas on Unsplash
Source: The Top Book Recommendations of 12 Disciple Making Leaders