14550 Lee Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151

How did this small church more than triple in size in less than 3 years?

By Greg Curtis: Hint: it wasn’t outreach.

Watch my 23 minute video interview with Robby Smith who pastors Redemption Church, a small church that has tripled in size in less than 3 years (including growth in during the quarantine).

I love this guy, his leaders and his church. They are the real deal, caring deeply for people and modeling what Sherpa Leaders look like.

Their 10 year journey as a small church of 120 in attendance was fairly typical for U.S. churches. What happened in year 11 was not.

Robby attributes the growth not to outreach, but to establishing a clear assimilation pathway for the guests at his church. Hear the incredible story of what happened, especially if you pastor a church under 200.

Just click on the video below.

Want access to the same resource I brought to Robby’s church in 2018 to shatter the 200 barrier? Go to “Experience a Base Camp” or take the Climbing the Assimilayas Video Course with your team to begin learning how to create a church-wide assimilation strategy of your own.

If you do, it will one of the most significant and meaningful things you will do as a church.

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Source: How did this small church more than triple in size in less than 3 years?