Tag: coaching
How did this small church more than triple in size in less than 3 years?
By Greg Curtis: Hint: it wasn’t outreach. Watch my 23 minute video interview with Robby Smith who pastors Redemption Church, a small church that has tripled in size in less than 3 years (including growth in during the quarantine). I love this guy, his leaders and his church. They are […]
Two ways to handle political division like Jesus did (Facebook Live summary session 11).
By: Greg Curtis I recently had a person make a confession to me. They were at a weekly men’s prayer breakfast with 4 new men attending. During the prayer request time, he had asked everyone to pray against our current president and his policies as he believed all Christians should. […]
How to connect with guests who are watching your services on demand instead of live (Facebook Live summary session 9)
By: Greg Curtis When I was a kid, I never dreamed I would watch TV the way I do today. In first through third grade, one of my all time favorite cartoons was “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”. It came on once a year. That’s not a typo. I’m […]
Creating an online engagement pathway, taking attendance online, and more (Facebook Live session 3 summary)
by Greg Curtis: The quarantine has made it easier than ever to access good teaching about Jesus and the life his death and resurrection makes possible. It has not made it easier however to connect with others to experience that life everyday. Or has it? Sherpas-leaders at your church are […]
Connecting Guests to your Church Online during the Quarantine (Facebook Live session 2 summary)
By Greg Curtis: I loved spending 25 minutes on Facebook Live with many of you, sharing what we are learning right now about engaging guests online at my church. I promised a written summary of that discussion with linked resources so here it is! The session was built on a […]
How to Motivate Lazy, Disengaged and Disconnected Team Members
by Carey Nieuwhof: Ever wonder if your team’s heart is in it? Well, it’s probably a good idea to figure out the answer to that question. According to Gallup, 70% of US employees are disengaged at work, meaning they don’t show up to your organization bringing their best. For 18% of […]
The Difference Between Coaching and Disciple Making
by Justin Gravitt: You know what a coach is. You’ve seen them on TV. You’ve heard them interviewed at post-game press conferences. They break down their team’s performance, explain in-game decisions, and look ahead to the next game. Coaches lead. They build strategy, direct the execution of strategy, adjust strategy, […]
How a Type 9 on the Enneagram experiences your church and how to connect them
by Greg Curtis: Kendra at one of her favorite places to be: Big Bear Lake California. If you have three children like I do, you have had the concern for the emotional landscape of your child in the middle. My so-called “middle child” is Kendra. She is now 24. Kendra […]
How a Type 8 on the Enneagram experiences your church and how to connect them
by Greg Curtis: Charles and is son Rainier. As a Three, people who want to kick the tires once the truck is moving, can just be in my way. Not Charles Stoicu. Charles can walk into a room and rally people, silently lead people through others he is raising up […]