By Shawn Lovejoy: My goals for 2021 have been set for several weeks now.
How are yours coming along?
You should be working on them if they’re not already complete. You should be setting goals right now for yourself and the team you lead.
Every great leader I know has two primary characteristics:
They are disciplined, and…
They have clear goals.
Goals are like a magnet— they pull us onward and upward. The stronger they are, the more purposeful they are, the more focused they are, the stronger they pull.
As we approach the new year, we’re reminded that everyone sets goals. They are called New Year’s Resolutions! However, within a few weeks, those goals are often forgotten.
Everyone may set goals, but few follow through on them.
You’re different. You’re a top 10% leader and I want to help you take a step forward in turning your good intentions into crystal clear goals by answering the question, “How can we set goals that actually stick?”
1. Consistently Work ON It, Not Just IN It.
Take a morning or afternoon once a week, month, or quarter to evaluate and reflect. I like to take early Saturday mornings too work ON it, not just IN it and ask questions like:
Where do I/we need to go?
What do I/we need to be doing to get there?
How does my schedule and structure need to be adjusted?
These goals can and should be very comprehensive in nature. As I go, so goes the organization or team that I lead, so answer these questions applied to four primary areas:
2. Set “Scoreboard” Goals For Each Area of Your Dream.
What does winning look like? Nothing is more demoralizing than always wondering, “How am I actually doing?” You need to be able to know if and when you are winning! Make sure your goals are specific and measurable:
A bad goal would be: Write a book.
a good goal sounds more like: Write a book proposal on (subject) by (date).
Another bad goal: Lose weight.
That transformed into a good Goal: Lose 10 lbs
An even better goal would sound like: Lose 10 lbs by Jan 1!
3. Set “Process Oriented Goals” for each Scoreboard Goal.
Process Oriented Goals are all about HABITS. If we are committed to the process, the scoreboard will take care of itself. Success (or the lack thereof) will largely be due to our habits.
Scoreboard Goal: Lose 10 lbs by Jan 1.
Download the 2021 Goal Setting Guide
Process Oriented Goal: Eliminate all cokes and desserts. Exercise for thirty minutes 4 times/week for the next sixty days (and I will probably lose 10 lbs)!
Scoreboard Goal: Write a book proposal.
Process Oriented Goal: A good book should take 100+ hrs to put together, so I will calendar three hours every week to write, for one year. I will complete the outline and summary for one chapter by the end of each month.
4. Ask for Accountability.
Accountability puts real teeth into the process.
If we want to really be held accountable, ask for help from those closest to us. This is yet another reason why I believe so much in Coaching.
Need accountability for 2021? Have a history of goals that become unrealized good intentions? Well, you need a Coach. Part of our Coaching Process includes the 5 Pillars of Accountability where we move you from intention to execution.
Why do we put so much time into this? Because Accountability is the #1 Missing Ingredient in Leadership.
I even recorded a podcast episode about it.?
5. Tweak, but don’t retreat.
If you were too aggressive or something fell through the cracks, that’s ok!
Adjust. Tweak the goal.
Focus on progress not perfection.
Failure is an event not a person.
The only way you fail is to quit. Don’t give up!
Goals are not about how good you are right now, they are about how much better you can be.
Set your goals…
Commit to the process…
Get a coach…and I believe 2021 will be a banner year for you!
schedule a call to talk about coaching
Source: Setting Goals That Stick