Tag: Biblical Community

PODCAST 077: Tim Celek & Defining Matthew 28 by Focusing on the One
By: The Church.digital Church, why do we do this? Why do we do ‘church’? I don’t mean physical church, or digital church. I don’t mean weekend services, or small groups. I simply mean, why is it that we do what we do? Our buildings, our online… Pastor, there are times […]

PODCAST 076: Lee Coate & Digital Engagement Pathway for Your Church
by The Church.Digital: So, who are these people who are watching our Churches Online and what are we supposed to do with them? COVID-19 has brought us tons of traffic, and maybe for the first time we, as a church, are understanding the potential of the reach of Church Online. […]

What 'The Office' is Teaching Us About Church Online
by The Church.Digital: Ministry is weird. It essentially boils down to being all things to all people “for the sake of the gospel” so that we can win them to eternal life in Jesus Christ. That’s not a normal thing. Usually we’re told to be who we were created to […]

PODCAST 067: Tyler Sansom & the Relational Approach to Church Online
by The Church.Digital: In the hectic-ness to build a Church Online, we often forget the biggest part… okay, Jesus is the biggest part. Didn’t mean to Jesus juke you there. So let’s call it the second biggest part, and no I’m not talking sermons. Church, we are in the people […]

Four Tips for Training Up Good Online Small Group Leaders
Psst. Church leaders. Let’s rap about Zoom. You know the whole video conferencing thing that has become even more of a thing in the last few weeks, as COVID-19 has taken over? I don’t want to talk about the stock price ZOOM-ing incredibly high (even if people are buying the […]

Part Two: A Hub and Spoke Model to Create Digital Community for Small Groups and Sunday School
In part one of this article, we looked at four important criteria for creating digital community in your church, and gave some quick recommendations if you want to pursue a decentralized approach where you empower individual group leaders with one or more suggested platforms, provide coaching and training on those […]

Opportunities During this Disruptive Time
by Jeff Reed: With church buildings closing and thousands of churches frantically broadcasting their Sunday services online for the first time in hopes of giving people an option, I have to wonder. Why? I mean, if we’re going to do a big production in the building on Sunday, I get […]

Triage Mode for Small Groups
by Jeff Reed: How are your office walls feeling around you right now? Like they’re closing in, Episode-4-trash-compactor style? (Congrats if you’re on the same page as me there) We’re only about 14 days removed from the entire Western world starting to shut down, having to look to work-at-home methods […]

PODCAST 050: Biblical Function of a Digital-Only Church, Part 1
by Jeff Reed: Can a digital-only expression of church hold up to the Biblical standard of a church? This is the question that we, here at The Church Digital and Stadia Church Planting, are wrestling with. Can you create community online? Sure! Can you worship? Of course! Can you pray digitally? […]

3 Reasons To Start Online Small Groups
by Rey DeArmas: In my time spent leading church online, I’ve encountered many who are a bit slow to consider leveraging digital platforms for discipleship. I understand, Church Online has its share of critics. However, online small groups should be an easy win for the Church and help many more […]