Tag: ecclesiology

PODCAST 051: Ed Stetzer & Defining a Successful Church
by Jeff Reed: What makes a successful Digital Church? Church Online? Church overall? What is it? I’ll tell you what it’s not: our Sunday morning attendance numbers… yet this is where many of our analytics (and attention, for that matter) stop. A quote from Ed Stetzer years ago has always […]

PODCAST 050: Biblical Function of a Digital-Only Church, Part 1
by Jeff Reed: Can a digital-only expression of church hold up to the Biblical standard of a church? This is the question that we, here at The Church Digital and Stadia Church Planting, are wrestling with. Can you create community online? Sure! Can you worship? Of course! Can you pray digitally? […]

Dreaming of A Digital Church
By Jeff Reed: Exciting news for Church Online fans out there. I (Jeff) have accepted a role with Stadia Church Planting as Director of Digital Church Plants. For Stadia & The Church Digital, we’re defining a “digital church” as a church that plants/launches/starts virtually with an option to maybe one […]

6 Marks of the Church and Why They Matter
Home > Blog > 6 Marks of the Church and Why They Matter 6 Marks of the Church and Why They Matter By Ed Stetzer Many may hear the words ‘purpose’ and ‘church’ and immediately think about Pastor Rick Warren’s book The Purpose Driven Church. In the book, Rick lists […]

Discipleship and the Church
by Downline: A few years back I was catching up with a friend who is on staff with a campus ministry. He loves the lost and has a real desire to see the world, and students in particular, come to faith and grow in maturity. As we discussed his plan […]

Call Me Back When You’re a Real Church
By Patrick Bradley: If you haven’t heard this response yet in your church planting journey, you will: “Call me back when you’re a real church.” Have a plan to address this before you’re hit with it. Oh, they never say it exactly like that. But when you invite someone to […]