14550 Lee Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151

Tag: portable church


7 Key Factors to Help You Choose the Right Portable Church Equipment

.et_post_meta_wrapper by Portable Church Industries: Finding the right equipment for your portable church is no easy task! Space, storage and transportation are just a few of the factors that have to be taken into account. In addition, setting up and tearing down equipment every week can be a unique challenge. […]


Multisite Church – Power of Portability (Part 2)

.et_post_meta_wrapper Sustain Multisite Momentum by Portable Church Industries: In our last blog post, we talked about different ways to launch new multisite campuses and how we advocate for a healthy balance of these 5 different ways. Portability is an incredible and underused tool, however, we know that portability isn’t always […]


Creating the Team & Establishing the Process

Creating the Team & Establishing the Process Volunteers | .et_post_meta_wrapper by Portable Church Industries: The way you treat your volunteers and the way they feel about serving will greatly impact the success, discipleship, spiritual formation, community impact and long-term growth of your church. The truth is, existing in a rented […]


The Kryptonite of Multisite Momentum

.et_post_meta_wrapper by Portable Church Industries: Sustaining Multisite Momentum When You Have a Big Vision “Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings at a single bound!” “Look! Up in the sky!” “It’s a bird!” “It’s a plane!” “It’s Superman!” This could be heard […]


Tips for Smart Portable Lighting – Part 3

.et_post_meta_wrapper How to find success with lighting in your portable church worship room. by Portable Church Industries: How does lighting apply to you and your church and what’s important to think about? Because you need audio and video before you need lighting, it doesn’t always get the credit it deserves. […]


5 Ways Churches Can Bless Moms on Mother’s Day

5 Ways Churches Can Bless Moms on Mother’s Day Volunteers | .et_post_meta_wrapper by Portable Church Industries: Who doesn’t love Mother’s Day? It is the one designated day when we get to pamper our moms andtry to thank them for just being so awesome! And it is almost that time of […]


Fall Consultation FAQ’s

.et_post_meta_wrapper by Portable Church Industries: We’ve been talking to a lot of pastors lately who are launching, re-equipping or relaunching in the upcoming Fall Season. There’s a few common questions we hear concerning portable church consultations, and we thought we’d address them here for you. What’s the first thing I […]


6 Things Portable Churches Are Thankful For

.et_post_meta_wrapper There’s probably a lot that church leaders like you can be thankful for – God’s faithfulness, the support of friends and family, a God-centered church community and the encouragement from like-minded leaders! However, an increasing number of churches across the United States have something else to be thankful for […]


Vlog: How to do Baptisms in a Portable Church

.et_post_meta_wrapper How to do Baptism in a Portable Church by Portable Church Industries Favorite products for doing baptisms in a portable church.  A horse trough is one of the most common ways we see churches do baptism. The good things about them is that you can dress them up a […]


Vlog: Language That Burns Out Your Volunteer

.et_post_meta_wrapper Language that burns out your volunteers. by Portable Church Industries: As a part of portable churches for 22 years, Kevin has learned much about the ins and outs of successful and unsuccessful portable churches. The first church plant he was a part of was setting up and tearing down […]